Alemeth, the novel

Alemeth has been a long time coming, but as of February 1st, it’s finally in print — all 422 pages, complete with illustrations, maps, and other graphics.  You can read more about the subject matter on the website — just go to

There, you can download a copy FOR FREE as a pdf file.  You’ll also find options in case you feel like buying an actual book (you remember those, don’t you?)

It’s weird how the publishing world operates.  The printer just printed the novel for publication on Wednesday.  I found out last night (Thursday night) that my initial order had been shipped to me that day (yesterday), and is supposed to arrive here on Monday.  Being curious to see whether it was yet listed on and such, I visited Amazon, only to find that certain booksellers were already advertising USED copies of the book!  All I can figure is that some buyers are of the mindset that a used book is always a better buy, so they’re going to opt for the used copy, and these sellers cater to those bargain-minded buyers.

Well, don’t be fooled.  All the copies for sale ANYWHERE at this point are brand new, since they are in fact hot off the press.

If you’re interested, check out the website.

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