This website is your introduction to a few things I’ve created.
Some you can download or view for free from this website, as pdf files or video clips. Some you can buy at places like Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com. Should you decide to take a look, I hope you enjoy what you find.
For the videos, and for more information about the books below, click on the menu items across the top of this page.

A historical novel, a coming-of-age story set in the ante-bellum South.
“Carvin… masterfully brings to life a South in dramatic transition…[T]houghtful, sensitive… Philosophically challenging…” — Kirkus Reviews.
416 pages. Perfect bound (soft cover binding). ISBN 978-0-9768183-8-0.
A Piece of the Pie: The Story of Customer Service at Publix

The formula for award-winning customer service offered by a truly remarkable company, Publix Super Markets. 173 pages. ISBN 978-0-9768183-7-3.
The Philadelphians: A Story of Two American Families
The history of two families of Irish immigrants who arrived in Philadelphia in the 1830’s to face anti-immigrant hostility. Though close neighbors, the wealthier family profited from the business of war and government, while the poorer one fought the wars and suffered the consequences. Prejudice, intolerance, corruption, resilience. 446 pages, maps, over 1500 source citations. ISBN 978-0-9768183-4-2.

It’s Been Four Billion Years: The Story of Life on Earth a Million Years at a Time

A full color book about the history of life on Earth that avoids misrepresenting evolution as if it were all about mankind and the hominids. 202 pages, 202 full color illustrations. ISBN 978-0-9768183-9-7.
Oh Mother, That Man’s Here Again!! The Christmas Cards of Charles W. Carvin.

Grandfather Carvin was a renowned humorist who performed with Bob Hope and Morey Amsterdam. He also drew his own Christmas cards from 1928 until 1971, poking cartoon fun at icons of politics and popular culture, ranging from FDR to LBJ, Adolf Hitler to Mae West, Mickey Mouse to Snoopy. This coffee-table book, made from those cards, becomes a light-hearted chronicle of 20th century American history. Hardbound, 153 pages, 218 full color illustrations.
The Answering Machine
A short story (actually creative non-fiction) that was published in the literary magazine, The Foliate Oak, in May, 2017. (You can read it by clicking on The Answering Machine in the menu across the top of the page.)
Cage Stories

Episodes from a life story (mine) from 1950 through 2000.